Monday, May 23, 2011

Stop Playing Games.

"I don’t know if there is such a thing as lukewarm Christianity. We live in a lukewarm society so we think it’s okay, but Revelation 3:15-16 says, 'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.'" (JP)

I agree with JP; lukewarm Christianity sucks. It wears you out. The world and your walk with Christ both lose because you can’t enjoy either. Far too often we become cultural Christians. We say we are a Christian because that’s all we’ve ever known, but there is no heart connect. Our lives don’t reflect that of Christ, and we try to play the game half way. The thing is you can’t play halfway. Christianity isn’t something you tack onto your life. It isn’t a trailer. It is your whole life. We are called to live out our faith, to actually live like we believe in what we say is true.

I remember a couple years ago when I finally surrendered to Christ, I had a really tough time. As Christ changed my heart and my desires I started to feel pulled between hanging around my old crew that I used to party with and having a hard time trusting new people that I would meet at church. I continued trying to fit in both places, one foot in and one foot out. I realized after failed attempts at being a part of both worlds that I wanted to be all in for Christ. I knew what the world had to offer and I was tired of the temporary satisfactions that never led to peace and joy. It hasn’t been easy, but God doesn’t call us to be comfortable, in fact he tells us it will be difficult, but he promises that it will be worth it. And you know what? It is SO WORTH IT!

"As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you. But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is the reason the gospel was preached..." ~1 Peter 4:2-6

As JP went through Philippians 2 last Tuesday, one thing really stuck out: "Christ is enough. We don’t live like we believe this. We think we need Jesus AND (a relationship, job, car, money, popularity, looks, etc). We live like He’s not enough."

To be honest this is something I still have to work through. There are times when things don’t go how I’d like them to and I get discouraged. In the moments of disappointment, I sometimes act like Jesus isn’t enough, but when things don’t go my way it’s not for me to understand, know, or plan. The right thing for me to do is shine.

People are watching us who say we are Christians, are we shining for him?

One thing I have to do is check myself with these questions: Am I worrying more about myself, a guy, money? Or am I spending time with and serving the Lord trusting that God is enough and he’s got me?

God is faithful and worth going ALL IN. Stop playing games.

Video: This Little Light of Mine ~ Addison Road

Monday, May 16, 2011

Royal Wedding.

How much time do you spend thinking about yourself?

Writing this week is difficult because I know I am guilty of thinking too much about myself at times, and worrying too much about what others think of me. JP gave a great message as we completed Philippians 1 and started Philippians 2. He gave a great illustration of the Royal Wedding and how Kate, the commoner, became royalty and how we all love that Cinderella story. We all long to sit on the throne. We love when the underdog wins, like Rudy! It’s engraved in us, but in a different way than we too often think. We are sons and daughters of THE KING. We inherit HIS kingdom, HIS righteousness, HIS glory...not because of anything we’ve done, but because of what Christ did on the cross.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20)

Christ humbled himself and gave His life FOR YOU. Have you reflected on the cross lately?

“God is worth so much more than a hand raise, church attendance, and casual confession. He is worth absolute abandonment.” –David Platt

In which way are you living your life: Here I am to be worshiped, or here I am to worship? Scripture tells us, “Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me’.” (Matthew 16:24)

“We miss the cross because we want the throne.” –JP

We want His blessings, His joy, His peace, but we don’t want to humble ourselves. God is very clear on how He opposes the proud, exalts the humble: Luke 14:11, Luke 18:14, Matthew 23:12.

It is crazy how bad we miss the mark, how bad we make this life about us instead of loving God and loving others. Being selfless isn’t thinking less about yourself, it’s thinking about yourself less. Craig Groeschel made a great point at Catalyst that the biggest struggle with our generation is the sense of entitlement. We seem to think that we deserve so much, and judge others quickly. Can you see Christ and His children, or are you too busy thinking about yourself? Please know that I am asking myself these same questions. My prayer is this:

Lord, I pray that we would be a generation that is not selfish, but one that is full of love, compassion, and selflessness. That we would see others as children of God, not judging or ignoring them. I pray that we would use all the gifts and talents the Lord has given us to advance His Kingdom and glorifying His name. Father I pray we would humbly come before you, realizing the greatness of the Gospel. Reflecting and always remembering that you, fully deity and fully human, were crucified on the cross for us. That through your resurrection you defeated death...death that we so greatly deserve. I thank you for your never ending grace and love. I pray we wouldn’t miss the cross chasing after the throne.

Here I am Lord, send me...

Monday, May 9, 2011

They Were His Before They Were Mine.

As JP spoke last week about "Simulated Christianity", having confidence that God is doing something, and leveraging your suffering, opposition, and life for the Gospel, I initially thought about sharing how I first came to The Porch which led me to Christ. It is a funny story and I definitely would love to share it sometime, but as the week has gone by the Lord has really put it on my heart to share about my sweet cousin Betsy.

Our family has always said that Betsy and I are a lot alike in personality. Strong willed, will say how we feel, and enjoy being social. She is three years younger than me and almost six years younger than my sister so we’ve always felt like she looked up to us, but I’ve truly grown to admire and learn from Betsy the past six months.

November 20th, 2010, my 24 year old cousin was five months pregnant with twin boys Easton Craig and Benjamin Parker. That day she had complications and gave birth to her boys who did not make it. Her faith during this time is truly inspiring. Here are a few lines from her blog (

I’ll never forget Doctor G. telling me, "It’s time to push". When a woman hears these words it’s usually when she is about to give birth to a healthy, breathing baby. This was not our situation. Trent and I both knew without asking that our children wouldn’t live. We knew they weighed right at a pound, but were still four weeks away from viability. This began the worst hour of my life…

Dr. G. then began to cry. She was truly devastated and hurt by what had happened. She felt so bad and I knew she had done everything she could have. This wasn’t her fault, it wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t anyone’s fault. God just needed my boys more than I did. They were His before they were mine and Trent’s. God knew we would only carry them for five months and that they would forever live in our hearts…

I am so glad that God put Trent in my life. He is a great husband and father. We prayed daily over these boys, with him initiating the prayer. That’s a real man in my eyes. One who isn’t afraid to pray, even when nurses and doctors are waiting…

We give God all of the glory for the five months that I was able to carry Easton and Parker and we will continue to praise Him in this storm.

My cousin and her husband are the real deal. They are ALL IN for Christ and are leveraging everything to advance the Gospel. If you look at their blog it is filled with praise, joy, and scripture like this:

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." –Romans 8:18

They have boldly shared their faith and encouraged the hospital staff, our family, and all of their friends. God is using them in a HUGE way and I am challenged.


"Your greatest frustrations/sufferings are your greatest opportunities to advance/share the Gospel. For you to be Christ in the situation and God to be glorified." –JP

I encourage you to go back and listen to JP’s message from this past Tuesday.

Praying for you all~

Monday, May 2, 2011

God is Up to Something.

If you would have told me a couple years ago today I would be living in Dallas, an active serving member of a church, going on mission trips to Brazil and Haiti, and single at age 28... I would have told you that you were crazy! Never in my wildest dreams did I think this is where the Lord would have reality I wasn’t concerned back then where the Lord would have me at all; I was MORE concerned with what *I* wanted. But now that I've gone ALL IN with my faith, life is even greater than I could EVER have imagined.

"You are a part of something much bigger than you when you are all in with your faith." ~JP

I love when JP talked about how we all desire to be a part of something bigger than us. It's so true, we even idolize fame and fortune and the desire to stamp our name on something great, Trump style! The problem is we all want to do something great, but few of us yield to the one true source of greatness, GOD. As JP went through Acts 16 and shared the first three members of the church in Europe (Lydia who sold clothes, a demon possessed slave girl, and a prison guard) it reminded me of Psalm 51:16-17 that says:

"You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a BROKEN AND CONTRITE HEART, O God, you will not despise."

Once these three submitted to the Lord he changed them and used them in a big way.The Lord doesn’t look for the wise and righteous in the way the world defines it; the Lord uses those who love Him and are willing to submit their broken heart and spirit to Him--see Paul. We may all be very different in our skills set and personalities, but when we come together in a willingness to submit our broken heart and spirit the Lord can make big things happen!

As I’ve been serving here at The Porch, and on discipleship trips to other countries, I’ve never felt more alive, more in tune with what I was created to do: love God and love others. (Matthew 22:38-39) Once I was all in and willing to submit to Christ, I’ve seen God do great things in my life and those around me who have done the same. I’ve come to understand that a God who endured suffering, can understand ours. Even in tough times I’ve realized that "peace cannot come without grace. There has to be grace for there to be peace." In Christ you find peace (Philippians 4:7).

Lately, when I struggle with being single, I find comfort in knowing that God knows exactly what I need and provides just that. God isn't done with me yet in my singleness. Maybe there are still things He wants to do with me while He has my full and undivided attention before I meet the right guy. I KNOW GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING. I just have to continue to be ready and available to Him.

GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING. I pray that we would be all in with our faith, and that we would give up anything and everything to be a part of something great, a part of the greatest adventure that is knowing, loving, and serving our GREAT CREATOR...our GREAT SAVIOR...our GREAT REDEEMER...our GREAT KING.

Do you believe that God has an even greater plan for your life than you do?

Are you ready and fully available to Him?

What’s in the way of you coming to Him with a broken and contrite heart?