Monday, April 25, 2011

The Cross Changes Everything.

While in Haiti I found myself overwhelmed by the despair, poverty, and number of orphans. What gave me peace weren’t the buildings or schools being built there, but rather the HOPE that they were finding in CHRIST JESUS. Some of our team even mentioned at times that perhaps the people of Haiti are better off than us. This is because many of them literally have nothing, and so they truly cherish and realize Jesus is all that matters. We are so distracted chasing the "American Dream" of jobs, money, relationships, etc that we too miss the GREAT significance of the CROSS. "Everything in our faith pivots on the cross."

"Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? Because God is JUST and that means there are consequences for sin. But God is LOVING and that is why he has paid that consequence for us!"

At lunch one day in Haiti I noticed our bus driver, Joseph, sitting alone at the table and for some reason it just really bothered me that he was eating alone. My friend Allen and I picked up our plates and went over to join him. Through a translator we talked to him about his faith in Jesus and what that meant for his life. Joseph seemed to think that he couldn't have a relationship with Christ because he had done bad things in his life and was still sinning. I felt my tears starting to come as we sat there because I could totally relate to feeling that way until I realized what the cross actually meant. My sin is what put Jesus on the cross, and through his death and resurrection I am a new creation!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Joseph, myself, and all of you can be renamed, reborn, and redeemed through Jesus Christ. Not because of anything we have or haven’t done, but because of what HE HAS DONE. (Hebrews 10: 8-14) IT IS FINISHED. (John 19:30) We all, like Barabbas, deserve the death sentence, but we have been set free in Christ!

A lot of us have head knowledge of the cross, but head knowledge doesn't change anything. It enables us to continue living in a way that appears as though nothing is different. We’ve missed the point like so many did on the day of Jesus' crucifixion. But when the cross becomes something you experience first hand not just something you know about, change happens. Who you are changes. Everything changes.

How have you been changed because of the cross?

How does your life look different because of what Jesus did for you?

Praying that we would acknowledge the cross daily. That everything about our lives would be changed because of the real and personal experience we have with what Jesus Christ has done on the cross. Jesus did not die in vain, he died for a purpose. He has concurred death, he has risen, and his purpose was to set you free! Is the cross real to you? Do you know Him? He is GOOD!

Celebrating Easter today and everyday~

Monday, April 11, 2011

It's Not All About Me?!

Wait, what do you mean it’s not about me?!

I struggle to find words for this week’s devotional probably because I realize what he is saying in John 3:30, "He must become greater; I must become less".

I have to confess to you that I am at times selfish, prideful, and often think too much about me. I can tell you though, the times I’ve thought less of myself, and more about others and Christ…those times have been the most joyful and best times of my life. Those are the times I truly feel alive.

I love when JP said, "Once we realize who God is (powerful, magnificent, sovereign) we realize our place." Far too often we have this "look at me" mentality, instead of "look at my great God". "We want to be awesome. We don’t want to worship an awesome God."

As I prepare to leave for Haiti (you’ll actually be reading this as I am there), I am completely humbled at the thought of God wanting to use me in another part of the world. Me? How crazy and awesome is it that God desires for us to know him and for us to share Him with others? You and I, people that have turned our backs on him, done what we wanted, when we wanted, and how we wanted to. He wants to use us, the people who have ignored Christ more times than not and made this life all about ourselves, instead of all about our AWESOME, AWESOME God. He wants to use us? What’s so great is that no matter what we’ve done or how many times we have focused on ourselves, we are not exempt from God’s love, forgiveness, compassion, and grace. YOU are not exempt from God wanting to use you in an incredible way. Just look past yourself and fix your eyes on Christ. Get to know your Creator, Father, Savior...

You have to realize this life isn’t about you. It isn’t about what car you drive, what job you have, how much money you make, who you are dating, what you are wearing, or anything great or even anything terrible you’ve done. None of that matters and all of that will change. Life happens, earthquakes may come, everything changes; God remains the same (Hebrews 13:8). Do you know Him? And are you making Him known? Jesus paid it all, and all to him I owe...

Can you see God past yourselves? Or are you thinking about "ME" all the time?

Can others see your God past you? Are they attracted to you or your God?

I encourage you to read back through John 3.

Praying for you all~

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lonely in a Crowd.

"God wants a life for me that is connected with others, knowing and treasuring Christ above all else, and never giving up on what Christ wants for me." --Mike Shelton

I walked into church saying hello to many familiar faces. This was normal most places I’ve walked into in life. Whether it was a bar, a class room, or a meeting I’ve always been fairly social. I’ve also felt terribly alone, and like no one really KNEW me. No one knew my fears, insecurities, and struggles. No one knew what was going on behind my smile. No one knew what I was most proud of or knew the kind of woman I truly wanted to be. I’ve often felt the loneliest in a room of crowded people. That was until I got connected here at Watermark.

As I meet with people every week no matter what the subject matter is I always recommend the same thing: Get into community. Get connected. That is what has helped me the most.

"that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (Colossians 2:2-3)

While being connected to other believers "you’re pointing other people to Christ and their pointing you to Christ." Serving in the church and being connected has finally given me accountability, encouragement, and allowed me to be transparent. Some people don’t like accountability, but I see it as a perfect way to be sharpened and grow more like Christ. I’ve loved being able to see God work through my friends, and help transform my life into one with much less stress, guilt, regret, confusion, and loneliness. I’m finally becoming the woman I’ve always wanted to be: a follower of Christ serving God and his people. I’m finally content and have peace. I am more patient, more loving, and more forgiving.

To be honest there are times when I am tempted to go back to doing things the way I used to. I get impatient with God. I’ll think about going back to the bar scene, or dating just date, or spending tons of money on a new wardrobe. In those times I have to remind myself of Proverbs 26:11. My community points me back to Christ and reminds me like Mike reminded us, "Treasuring Christ will always give you something that last. When you’re treasuring something in this world it will always say NOW and it will NEVER last."

No matter what I am tempted with my treasure is Christ (Matthew 6:19-21), and my eyes are fixed on Him (Hebrews 12:1-2). Christ never said following Him would be easy (example: Jesus and his disciples), but he promised it would be worth it. I wholeheartedly agree. It’s so worth it. (Hebrews 10)

You may be networked, but how many people are you deeply connected with?

Praying for you all~