Thursday, October 29, 2009

True Story Thursday

I was at the office and heard on the radio that Denny's had FREE Grand Slam Breakfast for everyone! I immediately went into my bosses office and asked if I could go get some free food. (My boss is also my mom) She said that would be ok, so off I went!

Anyone who has been around me for any extended part of time knows that I am HORRIBLE with directions. I depend on the sweet lady inside my Garmin to tell me how to get anywhere and everywhere.

I plug Denny's into my GPS and start following the purple line. I was so focused on which way it was telling me to go that I was not paying attention to my speed or the officer on a motorcyle up ahead. I fly by him. OOPS. Lights come on and here we go.

I pull over so depressed that this free breakfast was about to cost me a speeding ticket. The police officer gets off his bike and comes to my window.

He ask: "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

I say: "Yes sir, I'm pretty sure I was speeding."

He ask: "Why were you speeding?"

At this point I literally have a little debate in my head about what response to give. Make up something? Cry? Smile real big? Beg for forgiveness?

I say:" Well sir, Denny's is giving away free Grand Slams today and I really wanted to go, but I am horrible with directions and was concentrating so much on my Garmin that I honestly was just not paying attention."

I prepare for him to go ahead and write me a ticket.

He says:"Well all you have to do to get there is stay straight about a mile, turn right, and at the next light turn right again and you'll see it. Turn off your GPS and watch your speed. Have a good breakfast."

Seriously? Did that just happen? A police officer pulls me over for going more than 10mph over the speed limit and gives me directions to Denny's instead of a ticket??!!?

True Story. Can't make this stuff up.

(I got to Denny's and the line was wrapped all the way around the building. So I left and went to Ihop and bought the Rooty Tooty Fresh 'N Fruity)

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